Masterclass for a relaxed pregnancy

Masterclass for a relaxed pregnancy


On Thursday the 13th of May at 9pm I’m hosting a masterclass that gives you tools of how you can higher your level of relaxation during pregnancy and why this is important for the developing brain of your little one.  
Relaxation during pregnancy is not just important for you but also for your little one. We all know the impact on our bodies when we experience stress. And more and more perinatal research shows that pregnancy is the blueprint and foundation of your little one’s life and how your little one develops in your belly. 
Wouldn’t any mother and father want to know how they can optimize this blueprint? Tools that give you the posibility to help this strong foundation grow strong and fierce. 
If you want to learn more about how you can start your baby’s blueprint in the strongest way, sign up for my masterclass on Thusday the 13th when we have a huge energetical shift bringing spiritual growth, heightened intiution and creativity forward. 
We will start with a light birth imagery at 9pm, leading you into this masterclass, therefore I’d like to ask you to come into the online sacred space with your microphone switched off.
If you have any questions, please reach out through here
Sign up here here for the masterclass.

Much Love,



About me

I really believe that we are able and capable to change the world…. one gentle birth at a time. When we welcome our children into the world, the same way as they were made, with LOVE.

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